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Lumin 11
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Lumin 10 - Lumin 12


She isn't coming? Even... even now?

No, Anshor. She isn't coming with us. Pack your things. We need to leave.

Mother, what about everyone else? What about the town?

I paused, one hand clutching a pair of pants, the other holding open the bag I was about to stuff them into. I looked at August, eyes wide. What are you saying?

I'm saying we can't just leave everyone here to deal with the fallout of our actions. What if others want to leave, too?

Anshor paused, too, and shut his eyes. So we'll ask them.

What are you suggesting?

That we wait until morning when the town is assembled... and ask them.

I glanced at Sigil playing with her dolls on the floor. Her mother, Lynne, was watching her, too. I observed her tiny hands adjusting one of the doll's clothes and imagined what she had been thinking when her uncle was sentenced to death. Can we afford to take that risk?

Anshor's eyes met mine for the first time since Dame Maya called his name. Mother, it isn't your risk to take.
